Minutes from the last meeting: Minutes from the last meeting were agreed upon and signed.
Matters arising:
- The Mystery Shopper survey is now active, and the form has been sent out so PPG members can capture the details before completing the survey online.
- The Patient Satisfaction Survey for 2020 is live and the practice has sent out SMS text messages with a link for patients to complete online. There has already been a good response. The practice has already started looking at the responses and as a result has amended the flow chart used by the receptionists, as there were several comments where patients were advised to ring back if there was no appointment available and given no alternative option if they could not use the online consultation process.
- Nataliya has made a recording for the Community Pharmacy podcast episode, but this is on hold for now as we are still awaiting the input from Alex who has been on holiday.
- Butt Lane pharmacy has been working to the national guidance regarding the Community Pharmacy response times and calling patients back who have been referred after 1:00 pm, and not the timelines defined within the local guidance. Nataliya from the pharmacy is discussing this with Butt Lane Pharmacy. There have been several instances where the process has worked well with patients being identified as requiring antibiotics by the pharmacy who have then contacted the surgery and medicines dispensed.
- Carole stated that she would like to record a podcast. Date to be arranged.
Continuity of care/Appointments: Dr Bradshaw gave an overview of the current appointment arrangements.
There are some proposed changes which have been circulated to the staff for their feedback.
The proposal is: -
1st Appointment on Monday to discuss results, feedback letter etc.
2nd Appointment is pre-bookable to see Dr Bradshaw.
3rd Appointment to be bookable online via the app.
The 5-afternoon appointments: -
3 appointments being from tasks,
1 booked if a patient calls for an appointment and 1 only to be booked a day or two before.
There is a higher rate of DNA with pre-bookable appointments for various reasons.
There is an issue whereby the surgery is monitored and marked down if patients have to wait more than 2 weeks for an appointment, however, in some instances this may be appropriate. i.e., they are asked to be seen for a follow-up in 4 weeks.
Dr Bradshaw stated that regarding the continuity of care, comprehensive notes are made on the patient record, and care plans are documented. If the GP requires a follow-up with the patient the GP can advise the patient to book an appointment a week before they need to see them and advise them to tell the receptionist, that they have received a text message to this effect. The receptionist can check the text message history to confirm this and then book the appointment. This process needs to be communicated to the new trainee GPs when they start their secondment.
There can be positive benefits from seeing a different GP, but this needs to be communicated.
The number of patients being seen at A&E is communicated to the practice each month and last month the cumulative number for the last 6 months from our practice attending A&E was significantly lower.
The practice does not operate a one problem per appointment policy.
Update on current Surgery Status:
A member of the reception team has sadly left so they are currently advertising for another receptionist to fill this position and also another member of the team is retiring in December, so are also advertising these hours. A New Nurse Practitioner is starting on October 22nd. Two new trainees start at the practice in August, a GP Registrar and Foundation Year 2 Doctor.
Patients Library:
The PPG are happy to help with running this service and needs to discuss and develop a process to support it.
Flu Vaccination update:
There is a combined Flu & COVID booster vaccination scheduled for 20th September at the surgery. Three volunteers will be required to support the session.
Patient Satisfaction Survey (2022):
The Patient Satisfaction survey is still open, although the results of the question on extended hours appointment preference have been submitted. The chair agreed to contact Tracey Lewsey to agree on a closure date for the survey.
Patient communications:
Items to be included
- Financial Support options
- GP Patient Satisfaction survey feedback
- Friends and Family results for June.
Podcast future episode suggestions: -
- CPCS (Community Pharmacy Consultation Service). Awaiting input from Alex from Well Pharmacy.
- Explanation of the role and function of the trainee doctors at the practice.
- The COVID vaccination centre signs should now be removed.
- Carole raised the question of whether there was a disclaimer covering the supply of the wheelchairs supplied by Ernie.
- The results of the GP Patient survey were distributed, and it was noted that the results were generally positive and had improved on the previous year.
- James Treasure is the newly appointed social Prescriber working with Margaret Hurley and was looking at starting a volunteer register.
- It was suggested that we put on a Tea Party at Easter, subject to the COVID rates at the time.
Date of next meeting: 25th August, 1:30 pm @ Mount Road Practice.